Unleashing the Power of a Contemporary Visitor Servicing Network
An informed strategy to elevate the visitor servicing landscape across East Gippsland, supported by a comprehensive and contemporary action plan.
An informed strategy to elevate the visitor servicing landscape across East Gippsland, supported by a comprehensive and contemporary action plan.
The Project
A strategic vision and action steps for the evolution of visitor servicing in East Gippsland, following a comprehensive review of the region’s Visitor Servicing model and the creation of a detailed research document.
The Client: East Gippsland Shire Council
East Gippsland Shire Council occupies a large triangle of 20,940km², making it Victoria’s eastern most region, and one of the most spectacular. The tourism product in East Gippsland is diverse and dispersed. Visitors are invited to fall head over heels for charming waterfront villages, Man-from-Snowy-River country and superb beaches.
The Challenge
To create synergies, enhance visitor experiences, and increase destination awareness and conversion. The project aimed to engage travellers, industry stakeholders, and communities in East Gippsland by developing a contemporary visitor servicing strategy.
The Solution
We centred our approach on prioritising visitors, embracing stakeholder insights and aspirations as our guiding principles:
The outcome was a top-level strategy document with recommendations to establish a unified and seamless Visitor Servicing Network across East Gippsland. The strategy guides an enhanced visitor economy by improving multi-channel visitor services, increased visitor spend, and dispersing visitors throughout the region.
Senior Tourism Officer, East Gippsland Shire Council