Dynamic Professional Development

A bespoke mentoring program, featuring personalised one-hour virtual sessions scheduled at convenient times for the mentee.

How to build an Tourism brand
Tourism industry professional development growth and training by Hipscotch

The Project

The objective was to provide guidance and support in developing the mentee’s professional brand, setting goals, and discussing relevant topics related to ongoing projects.

The Client: Annabel Sullivan

Annabel is the vibrant force behind Cultural Attractions of Australia and holds the position of Executive Officer. With a tenure of over three decades in the tourism industry, Annabel is a seasoned professional, well-versed in the sector.

The Challenge

The client sought assistance in strategically planning for the delivery of a specific business function, while also desiring guidance on effectively navigating board dynamics. Additionally, she wanted to craft her professional brand.

The Solution

We took a well-structured approach that started with attentive listening to the mentee’s aspirations and requirements.

  • Tailored Sessions: Thoughtfully designed sessions tailored to address key questions, accommodating the mentee’s busy schedule.
  • Thought-Provoking Questions: Prepare weekly questions for mentee to contemplate in preparation for each consultative session.
  • Facilitation: Guide the mentee’s evaluation and development of their professional brand.
Australia's leading provider of professional development for the Tourism industry

The Result

An immensely valuable personal journey.

Through attentive listening, a structured approach, and generous sharing of expertise, the tailored sessions proved to be a highly valuable experience for our client. The mentee not only gained insights into their professional brand but also received guidance on real-world projects, further enhancing their skill set and knowledge.

“Each session focused on key questions to help me evaluate my professional brand and I walked away with five goals to keep me moving forward.”

Annabel Sullivan

Executive Officer, Cultural Attractions of Australia

professional development services by Hipscotch

Let‘s spark a connection to discover if we’re the perfect match.

Let‘s spark a connection to discover if we’re the perfect match.

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